Project Consulting
ComputerImages can provide expert guidance and research for your projects, making sure things get started on the right track and stay there.
We bring to each assignment decades of real-world business experience in finance, law and entrepreneurship coupled with insights gained from having worked with business, educational and governmental entities engaged in nearly every field. Engagements have ranged from design and construction of institutional databases to single-meeting Excel troubleshooting sessions.
Often our greatest contribution is to help a client analyze a complex matter, identify the key issues and organize the project into manageable tasks. It becomes a lot easier to find the answers once you have identified the questions.
Our goal is to provide cutting-edge professional services delivered with an old-fashioned commitment to personal attention and customer service. ComputerImages receives no incentives or payments other than fees for service, so our only loyalty is to you, our client.

For further information or to schedule a meeting, please call (617) 720-6161 or write to