Why ComputerImages?
You have many options in choosing a computer training or consulting vendor. Here is why we believe ComputerImages is your best choice.
Buy Direct. All of our classes are developed in-house and taught by the people who created them.
In Person Instruction. If you take a class from us, whether at our office or yours, it will be taught by a live instructor in the class with you. None of our classes are on-line or “remote learning.”
Non-Cancellation Policy. We never cancel a class once someone has enrolled and paid. The class will be given, even if there is only one person in it.
Practical, Business-Oriented Approach. In both our training and consulting services, we emphasize the practical, business-oriented aspects of working with computers. We believe that technology should provide tools to help you get your work done more effectively, not be an end unto itself.
Substance. Our web site won't win any design awards, but look at the hundreds of pages of substantive content — not just course descriptions, schedules and marketing pages (like this one), but tips and support links, even detailed guides to neighborhood dining and parking.
Independence. ComputerImages is a locally-owned independent business not affiliated with any hardware or software company, thus our advice is unbiased and our loyalty strictly to you, our client.
Continuity. ComputerImages has been in business under the same ownership for over thirty years. During that time we have been in continuous operation at two locations — our current downtown Boston address and a previous office in Back Bay.