Resources for Learning At Home.
With schools closed, many people are looking for educational activities to share with their children. We have collected links to web sites with materials for students of all ages. If you know of other useful sites, please let us know by writing to
All activities are free and open to the general public.
All the links worked at the time they were posted. Things change rapidly on the web, however, so we apologize if some of them take you to a dead end.

Smithsonian Distance Learning Resources.
This page is a launch pad to navigate to the vast resources offered by the Smithsonian’s various museums and affiliates. It includes an introductory video and downloadable Getting Started Guide. If you’re hunting for something for your child, look for the Smithsonian Resources for Caregivers section, which has a link to a weekly Smithsonian Learning Activities Choice Board. Visit Smithsonian Distance Learning Center.

Khan Academy On-Line Classes.
Khan Academy offers free on-line tutorials organized by subject and grade level. Need help with Algebra? Click courses, choose Math and Algebra, and you’re presented with a list of topics, each of which has several modules children can work through at your their pace. The modules have explanatory videos and exercises kids can do themselves to test their knowledge. Visit Khan Academy.

Distance Learning Center.
PBS station WGBH in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Education has created a resource center that families can use at home. Materials are organized by grade level and subject. Many of the lessons are built around PBS programs like NOVA and the American Experience. Visit the Distance Learning Center.

LEARN At Home Materials for Grades K to 12.
Curated collection of mostly science-related activities. As an example, there is a unit on Undersea Geology for grades 3 to 8 that contains an instruction page and video, a downloadable PDF file and links to additional on-line resources. Children can use these materials to create National Geographic maps depicting various underwater geologic features. Visit Learn at Home.

Remote Learning Projects.
Acera, an innovative K to 9 school in Winchester, Massachusetts, has made some of the remote learning materials it has developed for its own students available for the public to use for free. Projects are grouped by topic; some are hands-on, others presentations or videos. Visit Acera Remote Learning Projects.
Math and Science.

NASA’s STEM Pages.
Many of us dreamed of sailing to the stars in a spaceship when we were kids. Lots of children still do, and NASA’s web site teaches them what it takes to make the dream a reality. Activities are organized by grade level and include space-related games, videos, build-it projects and star watching exercises. There also are activities families can do together and material for teachers. Visit NASA’s STEM Resources.

Classroom Resources.
The National Science Foundation maintains a list of links to on-line classroom resources. As the name suggests, much of the material is designed more for teachers than for families and students. Visit NSF’s Classroom Resources.

Everyday Mysteries — Fun Science Facts.
Learning is fun if you keep it interesting. This site presents short articles answering specific questions, such as why does a camel have a hump? Articles are organized by subject. Go to Everyday Mysteries.

Science for Kids.
The American Museum of Natural History offers a large collection of games, stories, hands-on activities and videos on everything from astronomy to zoology. This is a regular part of the museum’s web site, so it is more extensive than some of the materials elsewhere that have been put together quickly for COVID-19. Visit Ology.

Monticello for Educators.
Extensive educator and family materials for children of all ages. Take a virtual tour of Monticello (there are two), solve code puzzles using Jefferson’s cypher wheel, there’s even a body movement video for young children that teaches about the types of architectural columns. There is also a digital classroom with informatioin about various aspects of Jeffersons life, from the American Revolution to Lewis and Clark and the Louisiana Purchase. Visit Monticello’s Learning Materials.

History @ Home.
The New York Historical Society has made some of its extensive educational programs available to families and students working at home. Offerings include live daily classes delivered on-line using Zoom. Sign up for the Society’s newsletter for links to join the programs. Visit History @ Home.

Gilder Lehrman Remote Learning Resources and Pop-Up History School.
The Pop-Up History School provides two live, interactive lessons per week for upper elementary, middle, and high school students. The Remote Learning Resources offers AP History study guides, lesson plans. recorded lectures and access to primary source materials for parents and families. The preceding links go directly to the school and resources pages. Visit main Gilder Lehrman Programs and Events page.

Revolutionary Boston History.
Boston historian Ben Edwards has posted free ebook and audio book versions of One April in Boston, his children’s history of Boston at the time of Paul Revere’s ride. Web site includes downloadable images to color and information about the Edwards family and its connections to Paul Revere. Go to One April in Boston.
Music and Art.

WEEKLY Opera Study.
The Metropolitan Opera has developed a program to support teachers, students, and families working and learning remotely. Each week it features a different opera selected for a young audience. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday participants can watch live on-line events related to the week’s opera. Then Wednesday through Friday they can then watch the opera on-line. Schedule and program information available on-line.

AT Home Art and Nature Projects.
The Peabody Essex Museum’s “Get Creative at Home” page has on-line videos and projects children can download and complete at home. Some videos are designed for children under 5. Projects include downloadable images to color, origami and making a camera obscura out of empty paper towel rolls. Link for Get Creative at Home.

Family Story Hour.
Monday through Saturday at 10:30 a.m. the children’s library at the Boston Athenæum hosts a live Story Time on Facebook Live. The program is free and open to the public. See the current schedule on-line.

The Boston Public Library has a wealth of on-line resources for everyone from pre-K children to research professionals. This link goes to the morning storytime, which is now available live on Facebook. There also are videos of past storytimes and downloadable do-it-yourself kits that families can use along with on-line books and songs to create their own storytimes. Visit BPL Storytime.