Adobe Illustrator Class
What You Will Learn
This hands-on course is designed for graphics, marketing and publishing professionals who want to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create graphics for use in books and magazines, proposals, multimedia presentations and web pages. The class covers —
- Illustrator’s tools and what each is used for,
- The nature of Illustrator as a Postscript drawing tool, and how images created with Illustrator are different from Photoshop images,
- Drawing with the basic shape drawing tools,
- How to assign colors, patterns and gradients to an object, and specify the object’s stroke,
- The use of process and spot colors in Illustrator,
- Using the transformation tools to rotate, scale, reflect and shear objects,
- How to create and edit paths with the pen tool,
- How to draw and shape curves with the pen tool,
- Importing an image to trace,
- The use of layers,
- Working with text in Illustrator.
6 hours, $260 (available for Windows and Macintosh)
Purchase with Advanced Illustrator class for discounted package price of $430.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
Training Format
- Live class with trainer in class and interactive student participation,
- Exercise-based, hands-on instruction,
- Emphasis on questions and student participation,
- Small size (limited to 8), personal attention.
Class Location
- All training currently is given live, on-line via Zoom (details).
- Private training available.
Dates and Registration
- See current class schedule for dates.
- Register On-Line or call (617) 720-6161.
A working knowledge of mouse and menu-based computer applications, and the Windows or Macintosh operating system.
Related Class
Mailing List and Further Information
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For more information, please contact us.

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